ALS Guidance

Live your life until you can't

Medical Product Retailers

Below are some web sites that were operational the last time I checked and sent me or someone I know what we asked for at a fair price.

Caveat emptor. Ask me if you need help.

Sage Products -- wipes and oral care
Live Oak
Electropedic -- hospital/custom beds
Active Forever
Cascade Healthcare Solutions
Wheelchair Sage (cushions and covers)
Tiger Medical
PHC Online
FineWebStore (overlays and other bedding)
The Warming Store
The Company Store (twin XL bedding)
Action Products - gel cushions/pads
Neck Solutions — offers the widest range of structured cervical collars

Respiratory/xPAP machines/accessories/supplies
Circadiance nasal and full face PAP masks
Buying or renting new or used respiratory equipment: dotmed, Bemes, SecondWind CPAP. Depending on country, look for respiratory equipment distributors, many of whom will only carry one line. SecondWind ships internationally, and others often do as well. However, be aware of potential Customs issues in some countries, when it comes to "medical devices." Some PALS have machines shipped to friends elsewhere, etc.

Adaptive clothing

Adaptations by Adrian
Adaptive Clothing Showroom

Switches, Mice, & Software
TetraMouse (USB-compatible chin/lip/tongue mouse)
Tobii EyeTracker 5 (try built-in software before buying more)
Apple and Android are implementing built-in head tracking (available now) and eye tracking (available Fall 2024)
Haven’t found good reliable switch source. Most are hideously overpriced and underperforming. Send me your tips and I’ll add them!

Other brands/products of note
Tall Ette toilet seat
Uplift for chairs
Golden lift chairs (recliners that can go flat for sleeping but also tilt forward to help you get up)
Action Products gel pads for commode and other chairs
Bodypoint wheelchair user postural supports (full or part-time use, e.g. in car)
ITA cervical collars
SubluxSling and Giv Mohr slings for subluxated shoulders
Uribag and long-neck urinals. Uribags available for both genders. Long-necks apply to guys. Other female urinals available.
ResMed BiPAPs (AirCurve for home, can add battery or get Astral for going out)
Levo e-reader/tablet floor stand
Tablift stand
No-Rinse shampoo Sage wipes
Closer to real-food tube formulas: Whole Story, Real Foods, Kate Farms, Liquid Hope
Prevalon pressure boots
ShowerBuddy products
Medical sheepskin — make sure it's real sheepskin, not synthetic
Berkshire blankets
Soft Heat blankets and mattress pads — low voltage, can put pad under mattress or overlay

Other resources
Foam store in your ‘hood may have open dumpsters
Your local community or senior center
Mobility ministries
ALS charities and MDA chapters and support groups
Spinal cord, MS, MD and other groups/clinics